Invest in Moms!
May 9, 2021Celebrating Moms
For the past 100 years, we have been celebrating moms with flowers and brunch, but it’s time we begin celebrating mom with cold hard cash. The pandemic has highlighted mom’s role as an occupation without compensation. It is time to start compensating our moms for their hours and years of hard work!Mom’s labor is a force that is not valued yet adds billions to the GDP of our nation. When we begin to quantify the economic output of moms, we quickly realize that moms aren’t getting paid what they are worth.Replacing paid work with unpaid work has a direct impact on the nuclear family budget and a larger impact on our communities. Less earned income, less contributions toward social security and less health care and retirement benefits over a sustained period of time is directly tied to the health of our families and communities.
All Moms Need to Get Paid
All moms should receive payment for their work. The direct payments that moms need would allow them to afford childcare and transfer back into a paid position. In addition to cash, motherhood is a career that goes unrecognized and uncompensated. Once mom’s value begins to be quantified, community culture will begin to change for the better.
Some Refreshing News
It is refreshing to see that more corporate execs and politicians are acknowledging women’s labor is a force and that moms need financial support to do their jobs. The fact that a small pool of senators has introduced a resolution called the Marshal Plan for moms to advance change for moms is encouraging. While the Plan addresses affordable childcare, paid leave and access to mental health support, it only begins to recognize working moms and struggling families.
Supporting Moms is a Support for Dads
The need for financial support for moms far outweighs all that is being offered to our moms today. Equity in the workplace and at home are two battles on one front for women and it is a battle that needs to be fought for our families and moms to continue to thrive. Supporting moms is a support for fathers and children, for employers and employees and for communities across the country across all economic and ethnic backgrounds.